Seven tips to help you stay fashionable

Staying in fashion isn’t always about buying the hottest designs straight off the runway. Some of us – like the staff here at Second Time Around – have a natural sense for fashion. For the rest, we have compiled a few tips about how to improve your fashion sense.

People do judge you by your appearance

We’d like to think that people will judge us by our personality or natural looks. Yet it’s human nature to ‘judge a book by it’s cover’, and the first impression someone has of us is based on how we are dressed. Make it count, and dress appropriately!

Look for people whose dress impresses you

Each of us has our own unique fashion style. Think of someone you’ve met recently whose outfit simply ‘wowed’ you. How did it fit on their body? How did the colors interact? Was the outfit simple, or was it adorned with stand-out accessories? Did it emphasize any particular body part?

If you get into a habit of noticing what works in other people’s fashion, you’ll start to get a sense of what works for you.

Scan through your wardrobe

Make a list of your favorite pieces. This will help you center in on your ideal fashion.

Stretch your limits

If you come across a fashion design you think looks beautiful, but fear it wouldn’t work for you, knock out your doubts. Give it a shot – it may be just the perfect piece. Same thing with colors – if there is a color you are afraid to try out, give it a shot and ask for feedback. You may be surprised what others say.

Bring some contrast to your outfit

If you’ve already got a good outfit, consider adding a stand-out piece like a scarf or belt.

Bring along an emergency kit

Keep a packet of fix-it pins for accidental rips, stain remover for spilled wine, and double-sided fashion tape for any loose pieces.

Build up your natural charisma

A stunning outfit does wonders to make you attractive, and people will notice your “inner fashion” as well. Don’t neglect to build that up!

Come visit us at Second Time Around, in Delray Beach, Florida. You’ll find great deals on recent designer brand pieces, and we offer friendly, expert service to help you find and refine your style.